Sunday, August 23, 2009

Attempting Baby Creativity

So I ventured into the "La De Da" baby boutique in Highland only to find out that there was not a single thing in the entire place that I could afford. I did get some ideas for things that I could attempt to make. This was my first attempt. Ok, so it's not centered, it's puckered and my stitching is not straight. I don't think the babe will have any trouble spitting up on it though, will he?
Oh, and that's supposed to be a car if you couldn't tell. I will try again and hopefully I will get better!


Emily said...

That's darling... I love it! You are so ultra crafty!

Bree :--) said...

I am totally impressed! Love it!

Cort said...

Can we have a crafty day?

Dave and Ashley Blackhurst said...

You're such the domesticated woman! Someday I will be like you.

Hansen Family said...

So cute and it doesn't look crooked to me! you should make one for my cute baby too he will love it.

Stephanie Taylor said...

Excellent Job Sister! I think it's very cute and would wear it myself, if it didn't choke me in the process of getting it over my wee head. Baby Boy South will look darling and will promptly fill the back with brown, so put it on and wear it! I really think you should make more and sell them on Etsy. XOXO!

Kelsey said...

That is so cute. I've decided that when I move next to you, I'm gonna need some crafty/sewing lessons from you. You're so talented!

Amanda said...

How cute are you! Its turned out adorable. So a boy? How fun! Any name ideas? I miss seeing you guys at the ortho all the time.

Zach & Lizzy said...

This is darling! You are so dang talented Lindsey!!

Cort said...

I just saw the prego pics and they're precious but really you don't look very big! I'm sure you're feeling it but there's still plenty of grow room for the little guy. So could you really only pick just one or did you actually like a bunch?

Tiffany said...

Okay... ready for an update:) 16 days left!!