Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The Boys!

It's time for this momma to write down some random happenings for my memories sake!
I wish that I could pause these boys right where they are! Griffin is talking up a storm all day everyday. He is so funny and sweet. And Luke is such a happy baby who smiles every time we look at him!


This is the sign of a good nap!
Can you tell Griffin has a favorite shirt?
Just getting some work done on their laptops
Some of my favorite things about Griffin right now:
He tries to comfort Luke when he is crying in the car by saying, "Almost done, Luke," over and over again, while he is plugging his ears so that he can't hear him cry.
He wants everything to "say" something, ie.
What does the car say? "Vroom Vroom" What does the cow say? "Moo" Those two are easy and he knows all of his animals and what they say. It gets a little harder when he wants to know what the space ship says (we taught him that it says "outer space" or in Griffin's cute language it sounds more like "our pace") and what the flag says (we say "USA") and the list goes on. What does the bus say, "The Bus, the B U S." One of my favorites is What does Jesus say? "Come follow me!" And he says it with so much excitement it's so adorable. I wish that I could just follow him around with a video camera. The faces that he makes and the things that he says crack me up! He also closes his eyes and pretends that you aren't there if he doesn't want to hear what you have to say.
He is getting taller and climbing on top of everything which means that nothing is safe anymore. He recently started calling me Mom, which made me kinda sad, because I liked being momma. He loves his mom, dada and baby Nuke.
Our bed time routine is awesome. We usually read a few stories. Right now his favorites are Happy Birthday Moon, Goodnight Moon and Frank was a Monster who Wanted to Dance. He knows them well and if we pause while reading he will fill in the blank. We say prayers and Griffin tells us to fold our arms and close our eyes and then we sing a few songs. He loves "I am a Child of God" and "Give said the Little Stream." He sings along too!
He's mostly good with a few little naughty streaks here and there.

And then we have our little Nuker. He's quite a tank. He likes to eat, barf, sleep and smile. He has rolled over a few times and he scoots around in a circle if we lay him down on the floor. He has recently discovered his voice and likes to screach and babble. He tries to shove his entire hand in is mouth if his binky isn't already in there. He's adorable and we can't remember what life was like before him. He's the perfect addition to our family and we just love him a whole lot!




He makes some pretty awesome faces too!


Oh and Luke doesn't seem to be having any trouble growing. Like I said, I really wish that I could just push pause!

Sometimes we all like to cram onto the same chair with Dada...

Life is Good!


Stephanie said...

You forgot "Bye Jesus!" that's my favorite one. Love these boys, they are adorable. Love you too! Xoxo

Lindsay said...

Oh gosh! I can't believe how big they are! It cracks me up to think of little Griffin in that car seat every month and then to see Luke in it! He's so smiley, I just love it!

Hayley Jacob said...

wow Joe wants to know what you are feeding luke.

Natalie said...

Your boys are too, too cute. This post makes me nostalgic for the days when my 2 boys were little. Now mine are 10 and 8; it goes SO FAST, so enjoy them now!