Sunday, September 26, 2010

His Eleventh Month


Look at this boy! How did this happen?!

Not only has September been a busy, crazy blur, but so have the last eleven months!

What's Rockin in Griffin's World: aka- New Tricks!
-crawls all over the place
-pulls himself up on everything
-says: Mama, Dada, Ka (which means Ruka), Uh-0h, Baba, Unt-uh(when he's doing something he knows he shouldn't be, like eating Ruka's dog food, while shaking his head)
-waves bye bye- it's very flowy, kinda like a beauty queen...He's hilarious!
-gets his groove on whenever there is music playing
-refuses to eat baby food- and loves everything that we are eating. For example: chicken, pork, hamburger, beans, spaghetti, bread, potatoes, french fries and much more!
Here are a few pictures of this little cutie this month!
I can't believe how he just, all-of-a-sudden grew up! He looks so old to me in this picture!
Hanging out with his friend, Olivia

He looks so young in this picture, but I promise it was taken just yesterday!


Stephanie Taylor said...

Happy Birthday sweet Griffin! I'm sorry we will miss it. We love you lots! XOXO Aunt Steph and Heath

Jo said...

Way to go little talker. Grant says da-da and mam but that's about it...but we sure outweigh Griff!! ;-) And once again, I LOVE the carseat compilation.